Asynchronous vs Synchronous

Halim Boussada
2 min readSep 1, 2020


Hello again , today i will speak about an interesting topic if you want to become a software engineer , and this topic is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous . i will try to explain them both with the most easy terms so you can understand it even if you are a 10 years old child (F) .

For the Synchronous : let’s imagin that we have a factory and in that factory we have 4 peaple , and each one of them need to do a task by the end of the day ,but they should also delever the tasks by the right order ,so the first person would deliver the first and so on . So if thouse peaple work synchronously the second worker should wait until the first person to finish his job so he can start to work on his own task and so on for the rest of the worker , and that will be not a problem if the task of the first will not take so much time ,but what if the first task take one hour and the second takes 10 minutes ? that will be a problem right and the time for both tasks wil be 1 hour and 10 min !

Asynchronous : for this let’s take the same exempl ,even though we know that the first man shall deliver his work first, still the second person will start working at the same time ,but in the delivery he will let the first deliver his work first and after him he will put his work that he has already complet it. So instead of 1 hour and 10 we will just need 1 hour .

So Synchronous is doing one task at time and Asynchronous is doing multiple tasks at the same time but with the right order. And that’s the difference between Asynchronous and Synchronous ,hope you enjoy it :)

