If i can change our educational systeme

Halim Boussada
2 min readAug 27, 2020


Today i want to speak about very interesting subject , which is how can i want improve education system, but first let me discribe the educational system in my country and what are the things that are from my own point of view are wrong.

So my name is halim and i live in tunisia . Since i was a child i hear the people say that you can never count on the education system in this country ,and advise me to try to learn something else , or you will be never able to find a job , because the companys doesnt need more educated employees , but soon as i grow up i find out that that meth was totally wrong .

The fact that i grew up in atmosphere with many people who has companies , gived me the chance to know many company’s owners , and i was shocked when they tell me that they can not find qualified employees ,so here was my first time to realise that there is something wrong ,and i start to wander of the reason that make the companies owners said such things , while we have in our beloved country 65,000 unemployed person .Until i found the reason …

It’s obvious when you try to see the bigger picture , to see that the material that we study in school or even in the university has nothing to do with the professional life , also student in my country never get the chance to interact with company’s while they still studying .

So because of that i start to think day and night of how can i change that for the best ,and i come up with idea to create with my friends startup with a goal to change the educational system for the best ,by link the student’s sins young age with the professional life …

